


Here are the cosmetic dental services we provide at Strategic Dental Care:

In dentistry, the term extraction is used to describe the removal of a natural tooth from its socket in the mouth. There are a number of reasons why a tooth my need to be extracted from the upper or lower jaws, some of which include:

  • Advanced, untreatable tooth decay
  • Vertically fractured teeth
  • Teeth affected by advanced, irreversible gum infections such as Periodontitis
  • Gaining space to relieve dental crowding for Orthodontic treatments
  • Replacement with dental implants or complete dentures
  • To relieve impaction of wisdom teeth

There are two ways in which a tooth can be pulled out from its socket; if the tooth is visible in the mouth and not broken or decayed, the simple extraction method is used to pull it out. This technique makes use of simple instruments can be performed on local anaesthesia. If the tooth is not visible in the mouth, such as in case of an impacted wisdom tooth below the gum, it may need to be extracted surgically. Surgical extractions are more complex, albeit completely safe.

What happens to the spaces left behind after a tooth is pulled out?

What becomes of the space that is left behind after a tooth is extracted depends upon why the procedure was performed in the first place. For instance, if a tooth was pulled out to make space for Orthodontic correction of dental crowding, it is likely that the space will be filled by other teeth in the mouth and they move towards their new positions.

However, if the tooth was removed because it was grossly decayed or fractured, there are different ways in which it can effectively be replaced. Depending upon your budget/preference, you can opt for one of the following treatments to replace a missing tooth in the mouth:

  • Dental bridges
  • Partial and complete dentures
  • Dental implants

What are wisdom teeth and why are they extracted?

Wisdom tooth extraction is one of the most common procedures performed at dental offices around the world. This is because impaction of third molars (also known as wisdom teeth) is a very common problem in young adults. These teeth are the very last ones to erupt in the mouth, and there are normally four wisdom teeth in the human oral cavity. By the time they start erupting in the mouth, there is little or no space left for them to come out in a straight, downward direction. Due to this lack of space, they often start erupting sideways, pressing against and thus damaging the second molars. Some of the most common symptoms of wisdom tooth impaction include:

  • Dull pain at the far back of the dental arches (close to the ears)
  • Swelling of the gums and soft tissues covering/surrounding the wisdom teeth
  • Inability to open the mouth completely (also known as Trismus)
  • Inability to chew from the affected side
  • Bleeding and sensitivity
  • Pain radiating to the ears, head and the second molars

A complete radiograph of the mouth can confirm whether or not your wisdom teeth are impacted. Impacted molars need to be pulled out of the mouth in order to relieve these painful symptoms.

Contact Us

At Strategic Dental, we make sure every single visit is a pleasant one for you and your family. Extractions may sound painful, but we use the latest, research-driven techniques and instruments to ensure a smooth, swift recovery. If you have recently gotten your teeth pulled out and are looking to get them replaced – we have the best options of a complete functional and aesthetic makeover for you. Simply give us a call and book an appointment with our team today!

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